The New World Society
The New World Society is made up of all people, collectively and individually, who seek to improve the lives of others. They work to liberate captives, feed the hungry, provide water, bring healing, secure jobs and housing, forgive others their faults, bring peace between people in conflict, and comfort the dying. They are people in churches, world religions, non-governmental organizations, wealthy benefactors, first responders, government aid programs, and agencies of the United Nations. They also are made up of countless individuals who help their neighbors in times of tragedy and need.
They are not organized as a group, nor do they act under a single banner. Yet they are recognized for their common humanity, their service, and sometimes, the heroic nature of their work. For the most part, the world sees only the tip of their work when a singular example of service and help is held up for recognition and praise. However, that act often seem like a tiny island in an ocean of competition and violence. Faced by climate change, wars, failed states, massive migration, and political polarization, isolated stories of good things happening can be dismissed as “fluff” at the end of the “real” news.
Perhaps it is time to consider all the good things happening in our world. Let’s call all those organizations, communities, institutions and individuals “A New World Society.” It is much too broad and complicated to be organized. Yet, in a world knit together on the internet maybe the time has come to share some of the big stories of what is happening to help hurting people. At times the focus might be on those helping in time of tragedy. Another time attention might be given to some problems before they get worse. This website will be sharing the good news of the New World Society with the intention of bringing more hope to people around the world.