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God’s Kingdom vs Trump’s

Posted by: Robert F. Schmidt


On: September 12, 2024

God’s Kingdom vs. Trump’s

To make America great again Donald Trump denies climate change, closes the border to needy refugees, withdraws from the World Health Organization, will deport millions of immigrants and has stopped foreign aid that alleviates hunger, sickness, and death.  Programs to address racial and gender inequality have been terminated. Criminals are released and political enemies are threatened. He rewards the rich and makes the poor wait. Trump’s foreign policy was simply stated by Marco Rubio, his new Secretary of State. Rubio said that US foreign policy will be guided by “what makes America stronger, more secure and more prosperous.”  People in the Global South engulfed by debt, unemployment, disease, and violence understand Trump’s slogan to mean, “make America selfish again.” These actions go against righteous anger of the Hebrew prophets, the teachings of Christ, the moral concerns of the world’s religions, and simple human decency.

Opposing these actions of Trump is the Kingdom of God, which Jesus said was at hand. That kingdom is for all the people of the world.  In the face of caustic nationalism and corrupt imperialism, Jesus healed, fed, forgave, and praised aliens and occupiers.  In his stories he put the rich in hell and the homeless in heaven.  All got wages according to their need instead of their merit.  He said, “love your enemies.”  And, in the final evaluation of life he said that the way you treat an immigrant is the way you treat me.  The people loved him but the powerful wanted him dead. Then when his followers wanted to see the Kingdom come for their own nation, his “Spirit” sent them to India, to Italy, and all the nations in between to do Kingdom work.

One element opposing Trump today is the Kingdom of God, which we might also call “God’s New World Society.” It is made up of all the people on the earth who help feed, heal, help in disasters, and give aid to refugees.  They give the unemployed work and forgive debts. They improve agriculture and build houses. They are Christians, Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, and none of the above.  But they have the consciences God gave them and the moral sense that they received. They are the poor who share what little they have with someone who needs it more.

How do they oppose Trump and his policies? Bishop Budde asks to Trump to have mercy on immigrants, just as Peter refused to stop his condemnation of the people in power. It is better to obey God rather than men. Roman Catholic sisters bring food to illegal immigrants. Sailors rescue overloaded and sinking boats of refugees in the Mediterranean despite threats of prison. Lawyers file briefs against Trump’s worst cruelties. Those suffering discrimination protest in the streets; workers strike. Risking careers, congress people rebel and act according to what is right. It is an exercise in soft power and, of course, there is a price to pay.  For Jesus it was a cross.  For us, who knows? But the victory is ours. Trump will die and his followers will fight over his heritage.  The reign of all earthly kings is limited but God’s Kingdom will be the last one standing.

More details on God’s New World Society can be found in my book, The Last Kingdom Standing: Hope for a World in Crisis, available at and from the publisher, Wipf and Stock.

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